Effect of temperature on adsorption and chromatography of polystyrene macromolecules

  • Anton Yu. Eltekov researcher A.N.Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemi- stry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, tel. 495 9554492, E-mail: a.eltekov@gmail.com
Keywords: Liquid adsorption and chromatography, different temperatures, polystyrene standards, macroporous silicas.


Study of the effect of temperature on the parameters of adsorption and liquid chromatography of

molecules and macromolecules constantly attracts the attention of specialists. The potential benefits of ele- vated temperature column, particularly enhanced kinetic and transport properties, which are based on the reduction of mobile phase viscosity and increase the diffusion of analyte at high temperature, began to be actively used for the rapid analysis of molecules and macromolecules by chromatographic methods in recent years. It is now recognized that temperature is an important tool to optimize chromatographic parameters, such as retention, selectivity and efficiency, particularly for macromolecules

The effect of temperature on adsorption and liquid chromatography of polystyrene macromolecules on silicas has been investigated by static and .chromatographic methods. The sign and value of the tempera- ture adsorption coefficient depend on many factors, namely, the chemical nature of the solvent, the chemical structure of macromolecules and adsorbent surface chemistry. Thus temperature elevation in the chromato- graphic system alters the macromolecular coil dimensions and total energy of elution of solvent molecules from the adsorption space of the porous adsorbents. Keeping these factors in view we can find the sign of the temperature adsorption coefficient. Diffusion coefficients increase in proportion to temperature, thus effi- ciency is usually enhanced, too, as peaks become more narrow. Prospects for optimization of the chromato- graphic process and, above all, the efficiency of separation of components of mixtures, include the effect of temperature on the adsorption of the components and their retention in the chromatographic column.


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How to Cite
Eltekov, A. Y. (2018). Effect of temperature on adsorption and chromatography of polystyrene macromolecules. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 18(6), 810-815. https://doi.org/10.17308/sorpchrom.2018.18/608