The definition of authenticity of cheese trademarks by RP HPLC

  • Van Nguyen Anh postgraduate of Common Chemistry Chair of Institute of Engineering Tech- nologies and Natural Sciences of Belgorod State National Research University. e-mail: va-
  • Victor I. Deineka professor of Common Chemistry Chair of Institute of Engineering Tech- nologies and Natural Sciences of Belgorod State National Research University. Dr. Sci. (Chemi- stry), e-mail:
  • Tran Thao Nguyen Hien student of Belgorod State National Research University.
  • Ludmila A. Deineka professor assistant of Common Chemistry Chair of Institute of Engineer- ing Technologies and Natural Sciences of Belgo- rod State National Research University. Ph.D. (Chemistry), e-mail:
  • Oleg B. Rudakov Dr. Sci (Chemistry), head of Department of chemistry and chemical technology of materials of Voronezh state technical Universi- ty, Voronezh. E-mail:
Keywords: cheese authenticity, fingerprint method, vector model, cheese triacylglycerines, cow milk fat, goat milk fat.


In this paper, the method of reversed-phase HPLC is used to determine the authenticity of real cheeses. To establish the falsification of cheeses two methods were proposed. The first method implies to compare chromatograms of the cheese under  investigation  with authentic sample of  the  fat  known  as  the

«fingerprint» method visually or by direct overlay of the chromatograms. A more rigorous quantitative me- thod involves the selection of the three triacylglycerol (TAG) characteristic peaks the areas of which are used to build a vector model. In this case, the choice of basis depends on the intended type of falsification, and the difference between the samples is characterized by the angle between the vector for the sample and the refer- ence vector. In the analysis of 23 brands of cheese, it was found that most of them are made using natural cow's milk. However, for 7 of the studied cheese grades, large values of characteristic angles were obtained. Comparison of chromatograms obtained for these grades with known chromatographic profiles of seed oils it possible to determine the nature of falsification: by replacing cow fat with palm or linoleic-oleic type oil. In this case area of TAG peaks with equivalent carbon numbers (ECN) 35.6, 37.5 and 47.2 may be explored to build the vector model. The first of them is representative for butyric acid containing TAG: the second – for trilinoleate concentration if some seed oils are used, and the third area is sensitive to palm butter edition. Three another TAG sensitive to exchange of cow milk by goat one were proposed to use in corresponding cases.



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How to Cite
Anh, V. N., Deineka, V. I., Hien, T. T. N., Deineka, L. A., & Rudakov, O. B. (2018). The definition of authenticity of cheese trademarks by RP HPLC. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 18(6), 816-824.