Determination of porous methacrylate polymers ability to solute-sorbent interactions by linear regression of gas-chromatography parameters

  • Nataliya P. Platonova researcher, Ph.D. Frumkin Institute of Phisical and Electrochemistry RAN, Moscow, e-mail:
  • Svetlana A. Borovikova researcher, Ph.D. Frumkin Institute of Phisical and Electrochemistry RAN, Moscow
  • Valeri M. Sharapov researcher, grand Ph.D. Frumkin Institute of Phisical and Electrochemistry RAN, Moscow
  • Alexei K. Buryak director, grand Ph.D. Frumkin Institute of Phisical and Electrochemistry RAN, Moscow
Keywords: gas chromatography, solute-sorbent interactions, the sorbents polarity.


The linear regression equation of gas chromatography parameters was suggested previously. Each term of this equation characterized sorbents ability to certain types of sorbate-sorbent interactions (SSI). The analysis of the retention data for different molecules by methacrylate polymers shows limitations of the sug- gested equation. The analysis of the dependence of the retention on polarizability of sorbate molecules allows us to distinguish 4 types of the investigated polymers which differ in quality and polarity of functional groups. For the first type of polymers the linear dependence of retention parameters on polarizability is ob- served. The polymers with non-polar or with a little amount of weak-polar groups are also of this type. Poly- mers with middle-polar functional groups and the functional groups containing different amount of nitrogen are of the second and third type. For these polymers the deviation of the retention parameters for methanol from linear dependence on polarizability is observed. For polymers of the fourth type with hardly polar groups the deviation of retention parameters from linearity is observed not only for methanol, but also for the first members of the homologous series of alcohols, ketones and nitrocompounds. In this case the linear re- gression equation is incorrect. It can probably be caused by the following factors: 1-not all types of SSI are described with suggested equation; 2-physical-chemical parameters of sorbed compounds differ from mole- cular physical-chemical constants. A modified equation of the linear regression equation of gas chromatogra- phy parameters is suggested for describing the ability of methacrylate polymers to different types of SSI. The term describing π-complexation was advanced to determine the sorbent interaction with π-electrons of sor- bate molecules. The equation allows us not only to estimate polarity of polymers, but also to determine the contribution of different types of SSI in the retention of molecules and thus characterizing the surface chemi- stry.


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How to Cite
Platonova, N. P., Borovikova, S. A., Sharapov, V. M., & Buryak, A. K. (2018). Determination of porous methacrylate polymers ability to solute-sorbent interactions by linear regression of gas-chromatography parameters. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 18(6), 860-866.