Composite sorbent products based on silica gel for drying gas environments
Sorption products intended for removal of moisture from gaseous environments, based on silica gel KSMG and polymeric matrices - aqueous solutions of polyacrylamide and polyvinyl alcohol are considered in this work. In the dynamic conditions of operation of the flow adsorber, the sorption properties of the obtained products in cyclic sorption processes were studied at elevated values of the relative humidity of the dried air (90%) and thermal desorption during 40 operating cycles. It is shown that the use of polyvinyl alcohol as a matrix provides higher sorption haracteristics of the material and allows them to be retained for a longer time in the multi-cycle operation of the block product in comparison with the batch of silica gel. As a result of the conducted researches the strength characteristics of the developed materials in different conditions
of their work are determined. The block product retained its integrity in the following tests: aging at low (-76°C) and high temperatures (180°C), cyclic operation in sorption mode - thermoregeneration (40 cycles), vibration loading (10 Hz) and pressure drop (ΔP=0.4 MPa), which is a high performance indicator of the developed KSAM. The results of a comprehensive study of the sorption, strength and mechanical properties of a block product based on silica gel with polyvinyl alcohol make it possible to conclude that the obtained high-strength and heat-resistant block products are promising in various wet air drying systems.
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