Andrey Vladimirovich Kiselev – a scientist and public figure

  • Yakov I. Yashin Doctor of Science (Chemistry), Professor, Head of the R&D Department company «Interlab», Moscow
  • Sergey N. Lanin doctor of chemistry, professor, head of the laboratory of adsorption and chromatography of physical chemistry of chemical faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow,
  • Ludmila N. Kolomiets senior researcher, Russian academy of sciences A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS (IPCE RAS), Moscow e-mail: kolom_
  • Alexey K. Buryak prof., grand PhD (chemistry), laboratory of physical-chemical basics of chromatography and chromato-massspectrometry Institute of Physical chemistry and electrochemistry, Moscow
Keywords: adsorption, chromatography, surface chemistry, adsorbent, graphitized carbon black


         On 28 November 2018, the physical chemistry scientific community celebrated the 110th anniversary of the birth of Andrej Vladimirovich Kiselev, an outstanding physical chemist, the Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of RF, Professor of the M.V. Lomonosov State University, Moscow. A.V. Kiselev was born on 28 November 1908 in Moscow. He graduated from the Chemistry Department of the N.E.Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School in 1930. When he was a second-year student, he began to engage in scientific work under the guidance of professor N.A. Shilov and the first his scientific paper was published in 1933. A.V. Kiselev gained his PhD in 1939 and in 1943 he began teaching at the Chemistry Department of the M.V. Lomonosov State University. From 1946 to 1984 he headed the Adsorption and Chromatography
Laboratory. In 1965, A.V. Kiselev became also the head of the Laboratory of Surface Chemistry at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1950, A.V. Kiselev defended successfully his doctoral dissertation. He worked on fundamental problems of surface chemistry, adsorption and chromatography. He was one of the first who began comprehensive investigations into adsorption phenomena
by chemical, calorimetrical, and spectral methods. In this article the list of Kiselev’s priority works is presented. A.V.Kiselev was well known all over the world, his Laboratory of Adsorption and Chromatography at the MSU gained an outstanding international status. His Laboratory attracted many graduate students and interns from all five continents. Even nowadays, Kiselev’s priority works continue to be used and developed, namely molecular-statistical calculations and principles of spectroscopy in adsorption studies (works of Buryak A.K., Matyushin D.D., Lygin S.N.), methods of hydrothermal treatment of adsorbents, and chemical modifications of silica gel. Such materials as sorbents with surface porosity for HPLC, graphitized thermal carbon blacks, carbosieves, carbochoms are widely used both for concentration and separation. Professor Andrej Vladimirovich Kiselev will remain in the memory of people as a man of tireless thirst for knowledge, of great sense of responsibility, the man who established strong highly esteemed scientific school and left behind a rich literary legacy for new generations – academic writings, monographs and textbooks.


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1. Scherbakova K.D., Yashin Ya.I., Kiselev’s A.V., Pure and Applied chemistry, 1989, Vol. 61, No 11, pp.1829-1834.
2. Littl L. Infrakrasnye spektry adsorbirovannyh molekul, Dopolni-tel'nye glavy A.V. Kiseleva, V.I. Lygina, Per. s angl, pod red. V.I. Lypshha, M., Mir, 1969, 515 p.
3. Kiselev A.V., Jashin Ya.I., Gazoadsorbcionnaja hromatografija, M., Nauka, 1967, 256 p.
4. Kiselev A.V., Yashin Ya.I. La Chromatographie Gaz-Solide, Per. s rus. PaHs: Masson, 1969, 289 p.
5. Kiselev A.V., Yashin Ya.I. Gas-Adsorption Chromatography, Per. s rus. New York, Plenum Press, 1969, 254 p.
6. Kisielew A.W., Jaszin J.I. Adsorpcyjna chromatografia gazowa; Per. s rus. Warszawa, Panstwowe Fydawnictwo Naukowe, 1969, 280p.
7. Kiselev A.V., Lygin V.I. Infrakrasnye spektry poverhnostnyh soedinenij i adsorbirovannyh veshhestv, M., Nauka, 1972, 459 p.
8. Kiselev A.V., Lygin V.I. Infrared Spectra of Surface Compounds, Per. s puc. New York, J. Wiley and Sons, Israel Program for Scientific Translations (Jerusalem), 1975, 384 p.
9. Gerasimov Ya.I., Dreving V.P., Eremin E.N., Kiselev A.V. et al., Kurs fizicheskoj himii; Pod red. Ja. I. Gerasimova. Vol. 1, gl. 16-19 i Dopolnenie (Poverhnostnye javlenija. Adsorbcija. Gazovaja hromatografija), M., Himija, 1969, 626 p.
10. Kiselev A.V., Iogansen A.V., Sakodynskij K.I., Saharov V.M. et al., Fiziko-himicheskoe primenenie gazovoj hromatografii. Moskva, Himija, 1973, 256 p.
11. Eksperimental'nye metody v adsorbcii i molekuljarnoj hromatografii, Pod red. A.V. Kiseleva i V.P. Drevinga, M., Izd-vo MGU, 1973, 448 p.
12. Avgul' N.N., Kiselev A.V., Poshkus D.P., Adsorbcija gazov i parov na odnorodnyh poverhnostjah, M., Himija, 1975, 384 p.
13. Kiselev A.V., Yashin Ya.I. Adsorbcionnaja gazovaja i zhidkostnaja hromatografija, M., Himija, 1979, 288 p.
14. Kiselev A.V., Jasin Ya.I. Gasund Flussigkeils-Adsorptionschromato-aphie, Per. s rus. Berlin, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1985, p. 91.
15. Kiselev A.V., Yasin Ya.I. Gas- und Flussigadsorptionschromatographie, Per. s rus. Heidelberg, Dr. Alfred Huthig, Verlag, 1985, 39p.
16. Kiselev A.V. Mezhmolekuljarnye vzaimodejstvija v adsorbcii i hromato-grafii, M., Vysshaja shkola, 1986, 360 p.
17. Kiselev A.V., Poshkus D.P., Yashin Ya.I. Molekuljarnye osnovy adsorb-cionnoj hromatografii. M., Himija, 1986, 272 p.
How to Cite
Yashin, Y. I., Lanin, S. N., Kolomiets, L. N., & Buryak, A. K. (2019). Andrey Vladimirovich Kiselev – a scientist and public figure. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 19(3), 352-361.