Results of the first All-Russian Symposium and Workshop for Young Scientists “Physical and Chemical Methods in Interdisciplinary Environmental Research”

  • Liudmila N. Kolomiets Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
  • Elena V. Rybakova Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Keywords: conference chronicle, chromatography, radiochemistry, scientific workshop.


The first All-Russian Symposium and Workshop for Young Scientists “Physical and Chemical Methods in Interdisciplinary Environmental Research” were held from 27 October to 3 November 2021 in Sevastopol. They were organised by the Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences for Physical Chemistry, in particular, its Sub-council for Surface Physicochemistry, Kinetics, and Dynamics of Exchange Processes, in cooperation with the Marine Hydrophysical Institute and A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Over 200 participants from Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan took part in the symposium, both in person and remotely. The scientific programme of the symposium included plenary and panel meetings: The application of physical and chemical methods in interdisciplinary research; Chromatography; Radiochemistry and radioecology in interdisciplinary environmental research; Theory and practice of ion-exchange and sorption processes; Biophysical and chemical methods; History of the development of physical and chemical methods in Russia. The following speakers presented their reports at the symposium: V.N. Egorov, full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences А.K. Buryak, S.K. Konovalov, and О.А. Shpigun, Doctors of Sciences K.G. Bogolitsyn, V.А. Davankov, А.M. Dolgonosov, I.G. Zenkevich, V.D. Krasikov, P.N. Nesterenko, Yu.L. Orlov, I.A. Platonov, О.B. Rudakov, V.N. Sidelnikov, G.V. Slavinskaya, S.M. Staroverov, А.V. Shaposhnik, and R.Kh. Khamizov, scientists from research institutes and leading universities, postgraduate and undergraduate students, laboratory staff from chemical production plants and environmental organisations, and representatives of the companies sponsoring the symposium. The first All-Russian Symposium and Workshop for Young Scientists “Physical and Chemical Methods in Interdisciplinary Environmental Research” was recognised as a successful and fruitful event. The next conference will be held in October-November 2023 in Sevastopol, held by the MHI and IBSS RAS. It was decided to increase the number of participants from leading educational, scientific, and industrial organisations from neighbouring countries. This article presents a summary of the event. Official website of the symposium: The website contains full details of the event and recordings of all symposium meetings.


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Author Biographies

Liudmila N. Kolomiets , Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

researcher, Ph.D. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Moscow, e-mail:

Elena V. Rybakova , Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

the applicant, Institute of history of sciences and equipment, named S.I. Vavilov, Deputy head of MRO «Abacus», Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, e-mail:

How to Cite
Kolomiets , L. N., & Rybakova , E. V. (2022). Results of the first All-Russian Symposium and Workshop for Young Scientists “Physical and Chemical Methods in Interdisciplinary Environmental Research” . Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 22(1), 89-98.