Liquidus surface of the quasi-ternary system Cu2S–In2S3–FeS
A projection of the liquidus surface of the quasi-ternary system Cu2S-In2S3-FeS was constructed as a result of experimental studies of quasi-binary and non-quasi-binary sections and based on the data on binary systems comprising a ternary system.
Each section (six quasi-binary and four non-quasi-binary ones) was studied separately using complex methods of physicochemical analysis: differential thermal analysis, X-ray phase analysis, and microstructural analysis.
It was found that the quasi-ternary system Cu2S-In2S3-FeS has six fields of primary crystallisation of separate phases and eleven monovariant equilibrium curves along which two phases are co-crystallised. Non-variant equilibrium points were obtained through the extrapolation of the direction of monovariant equilibrium curves.
The quasi-ternary system Cu2S-In2S3-FeS is characterised by 17 non-variant equilibrium points, where Е1-Е5 are triple eutectic points.
The projection diagram of the liquidus surface is characterised by three crystallisation fields of the initial componets (Cu2S, In2S3, FeS), four fields of binary compounds, and one field of a complex compound (CuFeIn3S6).
Since complete solubility of the initial components in liquid and solid states is observed in the quasi-binary section CuIn5S8‑FeIn2S4, the fields of primary crystallisation of CuIn5S8 and FeIn2S4 are absent; they are replaced by an unlimited solid solution based on these components.
The fields of primary crystallisation of Cu2S, FeS, and CuInS2 are the most extensive in the ternary system Cu2S-In2S3-FeS. The reactions occurring at monovariant equilibrium points are presented.
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