Double molybdates of silver and monovalent metals
The Ag2MoO4–Cs2MoO4 system was studied by powder X-ray diffraction, the formation of a new double molybdate CsAg3(MoO4)2 was established, its single crystals were obtained, and its structure was determined. CsAg3(MoO4)2 (sp. gr. P3¯, Z = 1, a = 5.9718(5), c = 7.6451(3) Å, R = 0.0149) was found to have the structure type of Ag2BaMn(VO4)2. The structure is based on glaserite-like layers of alternating MoO4 tetrahedra and Ag1O6 octahedra linked by oxygen vertices, which are connected into a whole 3D framework by Ag2O4 tetrahedra. An unusual feature of the Ag2 atom environment is its location almost in the centre of an oxygen face of the Ag2O4 tetrahedron. Caesium atoms are in cuboctahedral coordination (CN = 12).
We determined the structures of the double molybdate of rubidium and silver obtained by us previously and a crystal from the solid solution based on the hexagonal modification of Tl2MoO4, which both are isostructural to glaserite K3Na(SO4)2 (sp. gr. P3¯m1). According to X-ray structural analysis data, both crystals have nonstoichiometric compositions Rb2.81Ag1.19(MoO4)2 (a = 6.1541(2), c = 7.9267(5) Å, R = 0.0263) and Tl3.14Ag0.86(MoO4)2 (a = 6.0977(3), c = 7.8600(7) Å, R = 0.0174). In the case of the rubidium compound, the splitting of the Rb/Ag position was revealed for the first time am ong molybdates. Both structures are based on layers of alternating MoO4 tetrahedra and AgO6 or (Ag, Tl)O6 octahedra linked by oxygen vertices. The coordination numbers of rubidium and thallium are 12 and 10
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