• Nikolai P. Uglev
  • Sergei N. Uglev
Keywords: liquid, capillary, stratification, super fluidity, metal melts, convection, sedimentation, Marangony effect.


The partial stratification of binary metal melts in capillaries under influence of gravity is
research at present work.The theoretical or experimental investigation for five different mechanisms
of stratification shows impossibility consistent explanation of this effect within the framework of the
existing theories of liquid state. Examined mechanisms includes sedimentation of atoms, or clusters,
convectional moving of layers of melts, Sore and Marangony-Gibbs effects, and exhaust practically
all of well-known transfer properties of liquids. Some experiments for capillaries of special form
(different size, shape, orientation, U-figurative, full of grains) have been carried out for determine
the real mechanism of stratification. The results of analysis and experimental data requires introduction
for liquid metal at least one more, earlier unknown property. It is assumed, that metal structure
contains special D-atoms, not having force interaction with neighboring atoms, and in this relation,
D-atoms have the property of superfluidity at interface of metal and capillary wall.
The results of investigations have interest for the theory of liquid state, and can be applied when
manufacturing the castings wits a coordinate gradient of concentration.
Conclusion: The assumption for D-atom existing allows explain all the observed behavior of melts
in capillaries.


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Author Biographies

Nikolai P. Uglev

Cand. Sci. (Chem.), Associate
Professor of Chemical Technology Department, Perm National
Research Polytechnic University (PNIPU), Supervisor
of the Private Research Company «Matrix», LLC, Perm;
ph.: +7 (902) 4724502, e-mail:

Sergei N. Uglev

Senior Researcher «Matrix», LLC, Perm; e-mail:


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How to Cite
Uglev, N. P., & Uglev, S. N. (2014). SUPERFLUIDITY AT INTERFACE OF LIQUID METAL AND SOLID BODY. Kondensirovannye Sredy I Mezhfaznye Granitsy = Condensed Matter and Interphases, 16(4), 503-512. Retrieved from