Academic Degree, Academic Title
DSc in Chemistry, Associate Professor
Name of company
Voronezh State University, Vice Rector for Research, Innovations, and Digitising, Head of the Department of Physical Chemistry
Evidence of a significant contribution to the development of the corresponding area of knowledge
Identification and detailed description of the general physical and chemical regularities of the formation and development of the nonequilibrium surface layer on the boundary of solid homogeneous metal phases and external environment caused by the simultaneous occurrence and kinetic interaction of non-stationary processes of diffusive transfer, surface phase transformations, and progressive changes in the morphology of an originally rough interphase surface.
Information about membership in editorial boards/councils of other publications
Editorial council member for the journal “Proceedings of Voronezh State University”
Specialities (relevant for the journal)
02.00.04 Physical Chemistry
02.00.05 Electrochemistry
РИНЦ ORCID Scopus iD Researcher iD Research Gate
+7(4732) 2207533
Voronezh State University, Faculty of Chemical,
Editorial Office of «Condensed Matter and Interphases»
1 University Square
Voronezh, Russian Federation 394018
+7 (473) 220-84-45