Academic rank
Academic degree
Doctor of Physical-Mathematical Science
Scientific specialty according to doctor of science diploma
01.04.10. – Semiconductor Physics
Place of work, Position
Voronezh State University, Head of the Department of Solid State Physics and Nanostructures
Foundations of significant contribution into the development of appropriate field of knowledge
Fundamental studies of the features of atomic and electron structure, optical and electrophysical properties in semiconductor heterostructures based on A3B5 compounds; simulation of the physical processes in semiconductor technology; diagnostics of low-dimensional and quantum-dimensional systems with the use of diffractometric and spectroscopic methods; design of the basic fundamentals for establishment of the novel bioactive materials matching by their composition, morphology and physicochemical properties with the native dental and bone tissue; investigations of metabolic processes in the hard dental human tissues; implementation of the basics for personalized express-diagnostics of the oral cavity state and the level of caries resistance for patients.
Number of qualified candidates of sciences
3 Candidate's dissertations in the field of solid states physics, semiconductors and nanostructures
Number of the published works
more than 180 research works
Specialty (relevant for the journal)
1.3.8. Condensed Matter Physics (Physics, Mathematics and Technical Sciences)
RSCI ORCID Scopus ID Researcher ID Research Gate
Contact information
+7(473) 2208363
Voronezh State University, Faculty of Chemical,
Editorial Office of «Condensed Matter and Interphases»
1 University Square
Voronezh, Russian Federation 394018
+7 (473) 220-84-45