The evaluation of the properties of the solid-phase extraction cartridge sorbents: the role of the «gallery» pores

  • Victor I. Deineka Dr. Sci.(Chemistry) Prof., Common Chemistry Chair of Institute of Engineering Technologies and Natural Sciences of Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod,
  • Ludmila A. Deineka Ph.D., Professor assistant of Common Chemistry Chair of Institute of Engineering Technologies and Natural Sciences of Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod
  • Artem N. Sidorov post graduate of Common Chemistry Chair of Institute of Engineering Technologies and Natural Sciences of Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod
  • Irina I. Tynyanaya Assistant of Common Chemistry Chair of Institute of Engineering Technologies and Natural Sciences of Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod
  • Michail O. Kostenko student of Common Chemistry Chair of Institute of Engineering Technologies and Natural Sciences of Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod
Keywords: solid phase extraction, concentrating cartridges, sorbents,


Syringe cartridges (SC) filled with different batches of reversed-phase chemically modified (C16 and C18) silica gels were found to have differences in the effectiveness of their application in the solid-phase extraction (SPE) of anthocyanins. The paper includes a discussion of the effects responsible for the discrepancy and shows the need for standardization of SPE SC by sorption capacity before breakthrough of the solutes and by the slope of the desorption curve. To explain the elongation of the desorption volum in some cases the existence of "gallery" pores was proposed. The outer pores according to a fractal approach should resemble the shape of voids between particles in dense spherical packing – the entrance to the wide pore can be narrow. The less is pore entrance aria the grater will be solute residence time in the pore. If in an outer pore there is a narrow entrance to the next wide pore, having not another exit pathway, and so on, - such structures can be called «gallery» pores. They are responsible for slow desorption process and for the occurrence of specific artefacts in HPLC, being shown experimentally on the example of anthocyanins.


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How to Cite
Deineka, V. I., Deineka, L. A., Sidorov, A. N., Tynyanaya, I. I., & Kostenko, M. O. (2019). The evaluation of the properties of the solid-phase extraction cartridge sorbents: the role of the «gallery» pores. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 16(5). Retrieved from