Separation of the menthol enantiomers on the sorbent based on supramolecular network structure

  • Vladimir Yu. Gus’kov PhD, Associated Professor of Analytical chemistry chair, BSU, Ufa
  • Artem V. Sidel’nikov PhD, Associated Professor of Analytical chemistry chair, BSU, Ufa
  • Darya A. Suhareva post-graduate student of Analytical chemistry chair, BSU, Ufa
  • Yulia Yu. Gainullina PhD, Assistant Professor of Analytical chemistry chair, BSU, Ufa
  • Florida Н. Kudasheva PhD, Professor with honors of Analytical chemistry chair, BSU, Ufa
  • Valery N. Maistrenko PhD, The Head of Analytical chemistry chair, BSU, Ufa
Keywords: enantiomer, chiral supramolecular structure, uracil, melamine, gas chromatography, impedance spectroscopy.


In this paper, the possibility of the analytical separation of the menthol enantiomers on chiral supramolecular
structures of uracil and melamine with chirality induced by the mechanical agitation was studied
by gas chromatography and impedance spectroscopy. It is found that the structure of uracil and melamine
placed on an inert support has showed the ability of menthol enantiomer separation in mode of gas chromatography.
Application of impedance spectrometry with processing of obtained data by the method of the main
components has allowed to reveal the difference in the signals between the optical isomer of menthol.


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How to Cite
Gus’kov, V. Y., Sidel’nikov, A. V., Suhareva, D. A., Gainullina, Y. Y., KudashevaF. Н., & Maistrenko, V. N. (2019). Separation of the menthol enantiomers on the sorbent based on supramolecular network structure. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 16(6). Retrieved from