Thermal desorption mass spectrometry investigation of the decomposition processes of urea in concrete

  • Aleksey V. Ul’yanov candidate of chemical sciences, Laboratory of Physical-chemical principles of chromatography and chromato-mass spectrometry, Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry A.N. Frumkin, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow
  • Aleksey K. Buryak head of laboratory, doctor of chemical sciences, Laboratory of Physicalchemical principles of chromatography and chromato-mass spectrometry, Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry A.N. Frumkin, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow,
  • Irina S. Goncharova postgraduate student, Laboratory of Physical-chemical principles of chromatography and chromato-mass spectrometry, Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry A.N. Frumkin, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow
  • Sergey A. Khudyakov Director General, CJSC «INVESTSTROY-15», Moscow
  • Vasily F. Korovjakov doctor of engineering, professor, State unitary enterprise «Scientific Research Institute of the Moscow construction», Moscow
  • Regina I. Voropaeva head of laboratory, State unitary enterprise «Scientific Research Institute of the Moscow construction», laboratory of finishing construction materials and works, Moscow
  • Svetlana A. Tishchenko laboratory of finishing construction materials and works, candidate of chemical sciences, State unitary enterprise «Scientific Research Institute of the Moscow construction», Moscow
  • Aleksandr I. Cheranev engineer of laboratory of finishing construction materials and works, State unitary enterprise «Scientific Research Institute of the Moscow construction», Moscow
Keywords: thermal desorption mass spectrometry, urea, ammonium, concrete.


Thermal desorption mass-spectrometry investigation of the processes of thermal destruction of
concrete samples containing antifreezing urea additive was performed. It was demonstrated that the
decomposition of urea took place with ammonium and carbon dioxide release to the gas phase during the
exploitation. The process of thermal destruction and its energy are evaluated. It was found out that the heat
treatment doesn’t allow to remove of urea and ammonium from concrete volume.


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How to Cite
Ul’yanov, A. V., Buryak, A. K., Goncharova, I. S., Khudyakov, S. A., Korovjakov, V. F., Voropaeva, R. I., Tishchenko, S. A., & Cheranev, A. I. (2019). Thermal desorption mass spectrometry investigation of the decomposition processes of urea in concrete. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 14(1). Retrieved from