Thermodynamic and kinetic characteristics of molybdate ions adsorption on alumina

  • Aleksandra Yu. Kurmysheva post-graduate student,t researcher assistant, Moscow University of Engineering, professor assistant, Moscow,
  • Elena V. Sotnikova candidate of chemical sciences, docent of Moscow University of Engineering, Moscow
  • Mikhail Yu. Jitkov candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher of laboratory of biochemistry in Research Institute of Medicine, Moscow
  • Ekaterina О. Zabenkina candidate of chemical sciences, docent of Moscow University of Engineering., Moscow
Keywords: sorption, aluminum oxide, molybdate ions.


The adsorption process of molybdate ions in aqueous solutions on alumina was studied. There were
determined the isotherms of sorption, the static and dynamic sorption capacities, the thermodynamic and
kinetic parameters of adsorption.


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How to Cite
Kurmysheva, A. Y., Sotnikova, E. V., Jitkov, M. Y., & ZabenkinaE. О. (2019). Thermodynamic and kinetic characteristics of molybdate ions adsorption on alumina. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 14(2). Retrieved from