Separation of organotellurium compounds by method of reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography with FT-IR spectrometry detection

  • Elena V. Eliseeva postgraduate student, Department of organic, bioorganic and medical chemistry, Samara State University, Samara, email:
  • Alexander A. Sorokin cand. chem. sci., deputy chief of the scientific research center for the development of analytical methods, Limited (liability) company «Ozon», Samara region, Zhigulevsk, e-mail:
  • Nikolay A. Red’kin cand. chem. sci., chief lecturer, Department of analytical and expert chemistry, Samara State University, Samara, email:
  • Vitaly P. Gar’kin cand. chem. sci., docent, Department of organic, bioorganic and medical chemistry, Samara State University, Samara, email:
Keywords: σ-and π-telluranes, reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography, infrared spectrometry with Fourier-transform.


The influence of components of mobile phase on the sorption properties of σ-and π-telluranes in
conditions of reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography was investigated in study. Separation of model
mixture of compounds was carried out using two-dimensional RF TLC. It is shown that the use of FT-IR
spectrometry for the detection of compounds after TLC separation, allows us to identify the compounds and
to establish changes taking place with them during the elution.


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How to Cite
Eliseeva, E. V., Sorokin, A. A., Red’kin, N. A., & Gar’kin, V. P. (2019). Separation of organotellurium compounds by method of reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography with FT-IR spectrometry detection. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 14(4). Retrieved from