Thin layer chromatography of A and E vitamins on the silica gel

  • Oleg E. Romanov PhD, Associate Professor, Division of Chemistry, Kalmyk State University Elista, e-mail:
  • Sanzhi V. Budinov 3rd year student of chemistry Destinations, Kalmyk State University, e-mail:
  • Sergei N. Shtykov Doctor Sci. (Chemistry), Professor, Division of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Ecology, N.G. Chernyshevskii Saratov State University, e-mail:
Keywords: thin-layer chromatography, silica gel, vitamins A and Е.


The chromatographic behavior of hydrophobic vitamins A and E on silica gel normal-phase TLC
plates using 16 types of mobile phases that contained nonpolar (cyclohexane, hexane) and aromatic, protic
and aprotic polar solvents was studied. The factors that influence on the mobility of the vitamins and
effectiveness of chromatographic process were revealed and optimal conditions for separation of these
vitamins were found.


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How to Cite
Romanov, O. E., Budinov, S. V., & Shtykov, S. N. (2019). Thin layer chromatography of A and E vitamins on the silica gel. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 14(4). Retrieved from