The peculiarities of ternary ion exchange kinetics in sorbent grains

  • Nikolay A. Tikhonov Dr.Sci (Phys.,Math), Prof., Moscow State University, Physical Faculty, Department of Mathematics, Moscow
Keywords: кnetics of ion exchange, mathematical modeling, the extremum on kinetic curves.


The results of analysis and modeling are presented for the kinetics of ternary ion exchange inside the
resin particle. The data obtained with the use of different models are examined and compared with each
other. The possibility of non-monotonic character of the change in time of the total amount of one of the
components is shown. An increase in the concentration wave amplitude is also demonstrated and explained to
be taking place due to the sphericity of the particle shape of the ion exchanger.


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How to Cite
Tikhonov, N. A. (2019). The peculiarities of ternary ion exchange kinetics in sorbent grains. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 14(5). Retrieved from