The influence of polymers properties on conditions of their swelling in water and aqueous solutions

  • Nikolay B. Ferapontov Doctor of Sciences, Senior Researcher, Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University, Chemistry Department, Division of Physical Chemistry. Postal address: Chemistry Department, Moscow State University, Moscow, email:
  • Alexander N. Gagarin scientific employee of Chemical faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University; e-mail:
Keywords: polymers, polymer gels, swelling kinetics, physico-mathematical model, heterophase model, phases, sorption isotherms.


A physico-mathematical model describing kinetics of swelling of the polymer gels, which were
taken from water and immersed into water solutions, was suggested and experimentally confirmed. Kinetics
of swelling of KU-2x4 and KU-2x8 cationites in K-form and AB-17x8 anionites in Cl-form in KCl solutions
of different concentrations, as well as of cross-linked polyvinylic alcohol (PVA-20) in saccharose solutions
was studied. The influence of the polymer granular size on the swelling conditions was studied separately.


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How to Cite
Ferapontov, N. B., & Gagarin, A. N. (2019). The influence of polymers properties on conditions of their swelling in water and aqueous solutions. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 14(5). Retrieved from