New device for injection of organic substances in the gas chromatography method

  • Victor B. Khabarov Candidat of Chemistry, senior research worker, Federal State Budgetary Foundation of Science A.N. Frumkin, Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, е-mail: Khabarov@phyche.ас.ru
Keywords: gas chromatography, device for input samples to the analytical column, thermal desorption, polychrom-3, phenols, formaldehyde, methanol


It is presented the developed device for injection of samples of organic substances, concentrated on the
Polychrome-3, in the analytical column by means of method of thermal desorption. The device contains an electric
oven, evaporator, at the entrance which set the silicon diaphragm, the channel for the supply of carrier gas in the
injector equipped flow control.
The additional flow control is connected by canal with the c tap-flow switch, one output is connected to
with the channel of carrier gas at the outlet of the first flow control, and the other - with the cartridge hub, which is
equipped with a hollow needle introduced through the membrane into the evaporator. When injecting the samples of
organic substances one part of the flow of the carrier gas passes through patron-hub and eluated the sample in a vapor
chamber, and the other – at the same time is the input of the evaporator. This excludes windproof volume between the
needle cartridge-hub and the membrane of the evaporator and not accumulated organic substances of sample on the
silicon membrane of the injector.


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How to Cite
Khabarov, V. B. (2019). New device for injection of organic substances in the gas chromatography method. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 13(6). Retrieved from