Capillary chromadistillation – mass-spectrometry for reconcentration and determination of admixtures

  • Ivan V. Gulyaev PhD Student, Department of Chemistry, MSU, Moscow
  • Dmitry A. Chepelyansky Research assistant, Department of Chemistry, MSU, Moscow
  • Aleksandr I. Revelsky PhD, Leading researcher, MSU, Moscow
  • Igor A. Revelsky Dr.Sci.Sci, Professor, Leading researcher, MSU, Moscow
Keywords: chromadistillation, chromatographic evaporation, determination of admixtures, fractionated evaporation, gas chromatography, sample concentration, solvent effect, solvent trapping, trapping on solvents, (concentration on) uncoated fused silica tube.


For the first time capillary chromadistillation coupled with direct EI mass-spectrometry detection
was realized. Distribution of light and heavy admixtures along the main component eluting is
investigated. Depending of the distribution from oven temperature, boiling temperatures of admixtures,
concentration of admixtures is investigated. It was shown that capillary chromadistillation – massspectrometry
can be used for quantity determination of admixtures


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How to Cite
Gulyaev, I. V., Chepelyansky, D. A., Revelsky, A. I., & Revelsky, I. A. (2019). Capillary chromadistillation – mass-spectrometry for reconcentration and determination of admixtures. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 12(1). Retrieved from