Gas-chromatographic determination of ethylene glycol and its closest homologues in water-alcohol solutions

  • Vladimir G. Povarov professor of St.Petersburg State University, St.Petersburg, email:
  • Olga B. Sokolova Ph. D. of Herzen Pedagogical State University of Russia, St.Petersburg
  • Gleb B. Lisovenko Ph. D student of St.Petersburg State University, St.Petersburg
  • Irina L. Karpova student of St.Petersburg State University, St.Petersburg
Keywords: gas chromatography, ethylene glycol, derivatization, acylation, concentration, partition coefficients, azeotropic distillation.


The method of gas-chromatographic definitions ethylene alcohol and other elementary diols,
containing in aqueous-alcoholic solutions is offered. The method is based on preliminary transfer of a diol
from aqueous-alcoholic area in a solution of an acetonitrile by means of process aseotropic distillation.
Then it was made derivatisation diols in corresponding diacetates which, after evaporation excess of an
acetonitrile, were dosed in the chromatograph evaporator. Sensitivity of a method (the flame-ionization
detector and a capillary column) was 10 mkg/l. As additional identification parametre of the diacetates
were investigated distribution coefficients in system heksan-acetonitrile and their arithmetic indexes of
keeping are defined.


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How to Cite
Povarov, V. G., Sokolova, O. B., Lisovenko, G. B., & Karpova, I. L. (2019). Gas-chromatographic determination of ethylene glycol and its closest homologues in water-alcohol solutions. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 12(1). Retrieved from