Concentration and insulation of REE from industrial extractive phosphorous acid by sorption method

  • Ruslan Kh. Khamizov Dr.Sci (Chem), head of the Laboratory of sorption methods, GEOKhI RAS, Mosсow, e-mail:
  • Anna N. Krachak Cand.Sci. (Chem), senior researcher, Laboratory of sorption methods, GEOKhI RAS, Moskow, e-mail:
  • Alexandra N. Gruzdeva Cand.Sci. (Chem), researcher of the Laboratory of sorption methods, GEOKhI RAS, Mosсow
  • Anzor A. Bolotokov Leading Engineer of the "Institute of Roentgen Optics" Ltd., Mosсow
  • Sultan Kh. Khamizov General Director of the Limited Liability, Scientific and Technological Company, LLC STC "New Chemistry", Moscow
  • Aleksandr A. Smirnov Engineer of the Limited Liability, Scientific and Technological Company, LLC STC "New Chemistry", Moscow
  • Tatyana I. Zhiguleva Chemist-laboratorian of the Limited Liability, Scientific and Technological Company, LLC STC "New Chemistry", Moscow
Keywords: ion exchange; sorption; acid retardation method, super-saturation.


The process for insulation of REE from industrial phosphorous acid is proposed with the use of
'Acid retardation" method and the effect of isothermal super-saturation of solutions in sorption beds. The
samples of final products are obtained.


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How to Cite
Khamizov, R. K., Krachak, A. N., Gruzdeva, A. N., Bolotokov, A. A., Khamizov, S. K., Smirnov, A. A., & Zhiguleva, T. I. (2019). Concentration and insulation of REE from industrial extractive phosphorous acid by sorption method. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 12(1). Retrieved from