Synthesis and chromatographic properties of monolithic columns based on copolymers of divinylbenzene and ethylvinylbenzene with hydroxyalkyl methacrylates
Monolithic stationary phases based on copolymers of divinylbenzene (DVB) and
ethylvinylbenzene (EVB) with various hydroxyalkyl methacrylates were synthesized via thermally
initiated free-radical polymerization inside glass tubes with dimensions of 150 × 3 mm. The use of
hydroxybutyl methacrylate instead of hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) was found to increase the
column permeability by a factor of 1,6 with 5–10% drop in efficiency. The effect of column temperature
on separation using poly(DVB-co-EVB-co-HEMA) monolith was studied. Raising the temperature from
25°C to 80°C increased the efficiency of the column and maximum flow rate of the mobile phase and
reduced the influence of retention factor on peak broadening. At 80°C and velocities up to 3,7 mm/s the
efficiency for alkylbenzenes was 19000–20000 plates/m
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