Sorption of pyridoxine hydrochloride on clinoptilolite tuff

  • Thi Gam Fam the student of chemical faculty, The Voronezh State University, Voronezh
  • Thi Long Do The postgraduate student of chemical faculty, The Voronezh State University, Voronezh, e-mail:
  • Diana L. Kotova Dr. Sci. (Chemistry), professor, of Department of analytical chemistry, The Voronezh State University, Voronezh
  • Tatyana A. Krysanova Cand. Sci., (Chemistry), associate professor, Department of Analytic Chemistry, Voronezh State University, email:
  • Boris N. Beketov Dr. Sci. (Pharmacy), professor, Tyumen State Medical Academy
Keywords: sorption, pyridoxine hydrochloride, clinoptilolite tuff.


Were identified the sorption regularities of pyridoxine hydrochloride on clinoptilolite tuff.
Established, that monolayer binding of the drug on the sorbent occurs by the mechanism of ion exchange.
The formation of multimolecular layers of the vitamin in the structural matrix of clinoptilolite tuff has a
cooperative character due to hydrogen, hydrophobic and stacking interactions.


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How to Cite
Fam, T. G., Do, T. L., Kotova, D. L., Krysanova, T. A., & Beketov, B. N. (2019). Sorption of pyridoxine hydrochloride on clinoptilolite tuff. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 12(2). Retrieved from