Gelatineous oxyhydroxides and citrate-ions: competition between sorption and complex formation

  • Sofia I. Pechenyuk The Professor, Doctor of chemical Sciences, the main scientific employee of Institute of Chemistry and Technology of rare Elements and mineral raw Materials of the Name of I.V.Tananaev, E-mail:
  • Julia P. Semushina junior research fellow of Institute of Chemistry and Technology of rare Elements and mineral raw Materials of the Name of I.V. Tananaev
  • Galiyabanu I. Kadyrova major research fellow of Institute of Chemistry and Technology of rare Elements and mineral raw Materials of the Name of I.V. Tananaev
Keywords: oxyhydroxide, hydrogel, aluminium, iron, citrate-ions, sorption, complex formation.


The sorption of citrate-ions (Cit) on freshly precipitated Al and Fe(III) oxyhydroxides from 0.5
M NaCl solution at initial concentrations (Cinit) 1÷25 mMole per l has been investigated. I was found that
at Cinit≤5 mMole per l the sorption predominates, but at Cinit > 10 mMole per l the sorption and complex
formation of Cit with Al3+ and Fe3+ cations takes place simultaneously. As result of this the gel dissolves


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How to Cite
Pechenyuk, S. I., Semushina, J. P., & Kadyrova, G. I. (2019). Gelatineous oxyhydroxides and citrate-ions: competition between sorption and complex formation. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 12(5). Retrieved from