Definition of flavonoides and research of influence of storage conditions on their contents in Hippophaes fruits a TLC method

  • Olga V. Trineeva the candidate pharm. sciences, the assistant to faculty of pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmaceutical technology of pharmaceutical faculty VGU, Voronezh, e-mail:
  • Irina I. Safonova student of pharmaceutical faculty of VGU, Voronezh
  • Elena F. Safonova the candidate chem. sciences, the senior lecturer, manager of chair of pharmacy of post-degree formation of VGU, Voronezh
  • Alexey I. Slivkin the doctor pharm. sciences, the professor, manager of faculty of pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmaceutical technology, the dean of pharmaceutical faculty VGU, Voronezh
Keywords: flavonoides structure, fruits of Hippophaes, TLC.


The identification technique of flavonoides (on an example routine) is developed and the
flavonoidny structure of fruits of Hippophaes by a chromatography method in a thin layer of a sorbent is
investigated. According to the analysis of chromatography, in fruits of Hippophaes contain of
flavonoides, two of which are routine and quercetine that testifies to prospects of use of fruits of
Hippophaes as an additional source of flavonoides. Influence of various storage conditions of fruits on
stability of flavonoides is studied. It is established that routine and quercetine remains in fruits even in 6
months of storage in the conditions of the freezing chamber


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How to Cite
Trineeva, O. V., Safonova, I. I., Safonova, E. F., & Slivkin, A. I. (2019). Definition of flavonoides and research of influence of storage conditions on their contents in Hippophaes fruits a TLC method. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 12(5). Retrieved from