The combination of «high performance liquid chromatography – pricipal component» for identification endogenous intoxication. Part II

  • Sergey N. Sychev Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Chemistry, Head of Laboratory "HPLC", UNPK State University, Orel
  • Vera A. Gavrilina Ph.D., Associate Professor of Department Chemistry", Engineer Lab "HPLC", UNPK State University, Orel, e-mail:
Keywords: еndogenous intoxication, high performance liquid chromatography, the method of principal components.


Examined using a combination of "high-performance liquid chromatography - a method of
principal components" (HPLC - PCA) as a method for detecting effects of xenobiotics in the absence of
xenobiotics and its metabolites in blood plasma (a syndrome of endogenous intoxication). Shown that the
HPLC-CIM may allocate the factors responsible for the overall effect of xenobiotic chromatographic
pattern of blood plasma.


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1.Сычев С.Н., Гаврилина В.А. Применение комбинации «высокоэффективная
жидкостная хроматография – метод главных компонент» для распознавания
синдрома эндогенной интоксикации // Сорбционные и хроматографические
процессы. 2012. Т. Вып. 5. С. 814-821.
2.Померанцев А.Л. Метод главных компонент // Российское хемометрическое
How to Cite
Sychev, S. N., & Gavrilina, V. A. (2019). The combination of «high performance liquid chromatography – pricipal component» for identification endogenous intoxication. Part II. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 12(5). Retrieved from