Synthesis of highly effective sorbents of walnut shell

  • Bagaudin A. Temirkhanov the Senior Lecturer, chair of Chemistry of the Ingush State University, Nazran, e-mail:
  • Zahirat Н. Sultygova Doctor of Science the professor, managing chair of Chemistry, Vice Rector for Research of the Ingush State University, Nazran
  • Raisa D. Archakova the professor of chemistry of the Ingush State University, Nazran
  • Zuhra S-A. Medova Student Ingush State University, Nazran
Keywords: sorption, coal, oil, water and ecology.


The black ash walnut shell, obtained by burning it with a lack of oxygen, has a sorption activity.
On the basis of it was received by the sorbent capable to catch oil. Its capacity is 1-2 g / g, but the
cleaning efficiency can reach 90%. The black ash walnut shell has excellent absorption properties and is
not inferior in quality to the best brands of activated carbon. Surface treatment of water or wastewater
proposed sorbent was carried out at 0-100 ° C. Regeneration of used sorbent spend its processing
hydrocarbon solvents (gasoline, kerosene, etc.) or organic solvents (alcohols, etc.) or mixtures thereof


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How to Cite
Temirkhanov, B. A., SultygovaZ. Н., Archakova, R. D., & Medova, Z. S.-A. (2019). Synthesis of highly effective sorbents of walnut shell. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 12(6). Retrieved from