Application of Chromato-Mass-Spectrometry in study of hormones

  • lidya S. Sokolova student, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk
  • Alexander A. Efremov professor, doctor of chemistry, head of the chromatographic analysis laboratory, Krasnoyarsk, е-mail: Aefremov@sfukras. ru
Keywords: method GC-MS of gorrmons, metrological characteristics, TMS analogs.


By the method of Chromato-Mass-Spectrometry lower limits of detection of natural hormones of
steroid nature and their trimethylsilyl (TMS) derivatives were determined. The lower limit of detection is
markedly reduced when TMS is used. The basic patterns of the primary fragmentation of TMS
derivatives of the studied hormones are shown


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How to Cite
Sokolova, lidya S., & Efremov, A. A. (2019). Application of Chromato-Mass-Spectrometry in study of hormones. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 12(6). Retrieved from