Pervaporation properties of crazed polyamide - 6
The temperature dependence of permeability is studied in the process of pervaporation of water and
acetone through PA-6, and also transport characteristics of isothermal process of pervaporation in the system
crazed PA-6 – water – isopropanol. It is shown that the values of permeability coincide at the increase and at
the decrease of temperature, but undergoes a stepwise change at 50°С, which corresponds to glass-transition
temperature of the polymer in water and to the transition to high-elasticity state. Crazing of PA-6 leads to the
increase of permeability without changes in selectivity. Pervaporation proceeds most effectively at stretching
degrees of 50 and 90%.
полимеров./ М.: Физматлит, 2005, 232 с.
2. Агеев Е.П., Струсовская Н.Л., Долгова А.А. Влияние сорбционной предыстории
и процесса крейзования на набухание пленок алифатических полиамидов.//
Сорбционные и хроматографические процессы. 2010 (в печати).