Adsorption of n-heaxane vapour on sodium and pyridine- form montmorillonites

  • Subkhutdin Z. Muminov Leading Scientist, doctor of chemistry, professor, Institute of General and Inorganic chemistry of Academy science of Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, e- mail: subx39@ rambler. ru
  • Davron A. Khandamov Post graduate a student, Institute of General and Inorganic chemistry of Academy science of Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
  • Anvarkhodzha A. Agzamkhodzhaev doctor of chemistry, professor, academician of International Academy of ecology and life protection sciences, chief of laboratory, Institute of General and Inorganic chemistry of Academy science of Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Keywords: adsorption of vapors, isotherms, isosters of adsorption, heat, entropy of adsorption, montmorillonit.


One has investigated adsorption of n-hexane on sodium and pyridinium form montmorillontes. The
temperature dependence of the adsorption equlibrium parameters shown that the substitution of [С5Н5NН]+
for Nа+
causes an increase in the volume of the micropores and in the heat of adsorption. The differential
entropy of adsorption of n-hexane on montmorillonites and modifyed forms is negative for all the filling


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How to Cite
Muminov, S. Z., Khandamov, D. A., & Agzamkhodzhaev, A. A. (2019). Adsorption of n-heaxane vapour on sodium and pyridine- form montmorillonites. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 11(3). Retrieved from