Features of definition of separate nitroderivatives of aniline in biological objects by a distributive thin-layer chromatography’s method

  • Vladimir K. Shormanov Doctor of pharmaceutical science, professor of department of pharmaceutical, toxicological and analytical chemistry, Kursk State Medical University, e-mail: R-WLADIMIR@yandex.ru
  • Alina S. Shilova Postgraduate student of department of pharmaceutical, toxicological and analytical chemistry, Kursk State Medical University
  • Yury A. Suhomlinov Candidate of pharmaceutical science, associate professor of department of pharmacognosy and botany, Kursk State Medical University
  • Dmitry A. Gerasimov A 5th year student of Pharmaceutical Department, Kursk State Medical University
Keywords: 2-nitroanilines, TLC, column chromatography, HPLS, chemico-toxicological investigation.


Peculiarities of chromatographic behaviour of the row 2-nitroanilines in thin layers and columns of
hydroxylated sorbents depending on the polarity of the mobile phases have been studied. Parameters,
characterizing the conditions of defining the investigated substances using the TLC methods, column
chromatography of low pressure and high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLS) have been determined.
Methods for chemico-toxicological investigation of the considered nitroanilines with application of
chromatographic analysis methods have been developed


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How to Cite
Shormanov, V. K., Shilova, A. S., Suhomlinov, Y. A., & Gerasimov, D. A. (2019). Features of definition of separate nitroderivatives of aniline in biological objects by a distributive thin-layer chromatography’s method. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 11(4). Retrieved from https://journals.vsu.ru/sorpchrom/article/view/1958