Physical-chemical parameters of the adsorptions processes of alkaline metals and ammonium of dibuthyldithiophosphate on phase boundary the solid - the liquid

  • Shamshiya K. Amerkhanova the Doctor of Chemistry, professor, the Karaganda state university named after E.A. Buketov, Kazakhstan, Karaganda, E-mail:
  • Rustam M. Shljapov Cand.Chem.Sci., The Karaganda state university named after E.A. Buketov, the senior lecturer, Kazakhstan, Karaganda
  • Aitolkyn S. Uali Cand.Chem.Sci., The Karaganda state university named after E.A.Buketov, the senior lecturer, Kazakhstan, Karaganda
Keywords: adsorption, potentiometer, alkaline metals and ammonium of dibuthyldithiophosphate, pyrite.


The adsorption processes of phosphorus containing of collectors on pyrite at the temperature 298
K were studied by potentiometric method. The values of Gibbs adsorptions were determined, the
coefficients of Frendlikh-Bedekker equation was calculated. It is shown that for flotation processes of
sulfide ore the adsorption ability of the collectors and dissociation constant to salts can actа as the
criterion of flotation reagents selecting


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How to Cite
Amerkhanova, S. K., Shljapov, R. M., & Uali, A. S. (2019). Physical-chemical parameters of the adsorptions processes of alkaline metals and ammonium of dibuthyldithiophosphate on phase boundary the solid - the liquid. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 11(5). Retrieved from