Adsorption of probiotic bacteria on cellulose sorbents

  • Ivan V. Larionov postgraduate student of the Faculty of Medicine, St. Petersburg State University, scientific worker of the State Institute of Highly Pure Biopreparations, St. Petersburg, email:
  • Oksana V. Rybalchenko Sc.D., Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, e-mail:
  • Olga G. Orlova Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Faculty of Medicine, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, e-mail:
  • Igor L. Potokin leading researcher at the laboratory of electron microscopy of the State Institute of Highly Pure Biopreparations, St. Petersburg, e-mail:
  • Tatyana P. Sushko scientific worker of the State Institute of Highly Pure Biopreparations, St. Petersburg
  • Tatyana A. Khrushcheva lead engineer of the second category of the State Institute of Highly Pure Biopreparations, St. Petersburg
  • Alexander G. Boldyrev Ph.D., scientific consultant of the State Institute of Highly Pure Biopreparations, St. Petersburg
  • Victor M. Bondarenko MD, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Genetics of virulence of bacteria, Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. Gamaleia, Moscow, e-mail:
Keywords: adsorption of bacteria, anionic, cationic, Lactobacillus plantarum 8PA-3, cellulose sorbents.


The process of immobilization of probiotic lactic acid bacteria on sorbents from regenerated
cellulose was studied. A high efficiency of lactobacilli cell immobilization on the sorbent granules was
demonstrated. The type of sorbent most suitable for immobilization was selected and substantiated. The
relationship between an adsorption capacity and a full exchange capacity of the sorbent was evaluated in
respect to lactobacilli cells. Distinctions in adsorption were noted between physiologically-active and
inactive bacterial cells. Special features of the sorption mechanisms for physiologically-active and
inactive bacterial cells were interpreted


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How to Cite
Larionov, I. V., Rybalchenko, O. V., Orlova, O. G., Potokin, I. L., Sushko, T. P., Khrushcheva, T. A., Boldyrev, A. G., & Bondarenko, V. M. (2019). Adsorption of probiotic bacteria on cellulose sorbents. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 11(6). Retrieved from