Potetiometric investigation complex formation properties fibrous chemisorbent VION AN-1

  • Galina I. Bychkovskaya expert of methodical department, The Russian University of Cooperation, Moscow, e-mail: Bychkovskaya09@mail.ru
  • Valentina D. Valova doctor of chemistry sciences, professor, Department of General Chemistry, The Russian University of Cooperation, Moscow, e-mail: Valova08@mail.ru
Keywords: Potentiometric method, chemisorbent, ions of transitive metals, complex.


Potentiometria metod applicate for determine composition and stalility complexes forming ions
oftransition metals with fibrous chemisorbent VION AH-1. Compasition formation coordination centrs
M:N R=1:1, other coordination vacancy comples formations occupation molecules of solvent


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How to Cite
Bychkovskaya, G. I., & Valova, V. D. (2019). Potetiometric investigation complex formation properties fibrous chemisorbent VION AN-1. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 10(1). Retrieved from https://journals.vsu.ru/sorpchrom/article/view/2024