Sorptive propeties of cobalt-containing layered hydroxides

  • Irina G. Ryltsova postgraduate student, Belgorod State University, Department of Biology and Chemistry, Belgorod, E-mail:
  • Julia N. Matyash master student, Belgorod State University, Department of Biology and Chemistry, Belgorod
  • Olga E. Lebedeva professor, doctor of chemical science, Belgorod State University, Department of Biology and Chemistry, Belgorod, E-mail:
Keywords: sorption, anionic exchange, cobalt-containing layered hydroxides, congo red, methylene blue.


Sorption of cationic dye methylene blue and anionic dye congo red on cobalt-containing layered
hydroxides was studied. The hydroxides were shown not to adsorb methylene blue but to take up congo
red probably due to anionic exchange with interlayer carbonate anions. An influence of composition of
layered hydroxide on sorptive properties is indirect: content of cobalt and charge of ions affects interlayer
distance in the structure of layered hydroxide


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How to Cite
Ryltsova, I. G., Matyash, J. N., & Lebedeva, O. E. (2019). Sorptive propeties of cobalt-containing layered hydroxides. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 10(1). Retrieved from