Pervaporation properties of polyamide membranes and their depending on fine distinction in structure of polymer and experimental treatment

  • Evgeniy P. Ageev Doctor of Chemistry, Prof., Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University, Chemistry Department, Division of Physical Chemistry, Moscow, e-mail:
  • Natalia N. Matushkina PHD, Senior Researcher, Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University, Chemistry Department, Division of Physical Chemistry, Moscow, e-mail:
  • Nadezhda L. Strusovskaya PhD, Senior Researcher, Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University, Chemistry Department, Division of Physical Chemistry, Moscow, e-mail:
Keywords: aromatic polyamides, separation, mass carry, structure changes.


Pervaporation membranes of various sizes from aromatic polyamides were used for separation of
model solution of water- isopropanol over the entire range of concentrations. It has been shown that the
swelling of films in the course of liquid-phase separation results in structure changes of polymers whose
dynamics may be non-linear. The process proved to be very sensitive to subtle differences in the structure
of the polymer, such as the isomeric composition of the fragments, minor changes in the concentration of
ionic groups, copolymers and mechanical mixture of homopolymers of the same composition and other.
Non-linear nature of processes accompanying mass transfer, can give several steady states corresponding
to different membrane properties.


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How to Cite
Ageev, E. P., Matushkina, N. N., & Strusovskaya, N. L. (2019). Pervaporation properties of polyamide membranes and their depending on fine distinction in structure of polymer and experimental treatment. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 10(4). Retrieved from