Investigation of thermodynamics’ sorption of adamantane’s derivatives on polymer stationary liquid phases with different polarity by gas-liquid chromatography

  • Natalia V. Kudasheva Ph.D. in physical chemistry, assistant of Department of Analytical and Physical Chemistry, Samara State Technical University, Samara, e-mail:
  • Sergey N. Yashkin Ph.D. in physical chemistry, the lecturer of Department of Analytical and Physical Chemistry, Samara State Technical University, Samara
  • Aleksey A. Svetlov assistant of Department of Analytical and Physical Chemistry, Samara State Technical University, Samara
Keywords: adamantane’s derivatives, standard enthalpies and entropies of sorption, enthalpies of vaporization, polymer stationary liquid phases, relationships ″structure-retention″.


Thermodynamic characteristic of sorption (partition constant, standard enthalpies and entropies
of sorption) of adamantane’s derivatives on polymer stationary liquid phases with different polarity were
determined by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) in a wide range of temperatures in conditions of
limiting small concentration of sorbate in gas phase. The influence of electronic and geometrical structure
of sorbates, nature of sorbents and temperature on values of sorption laws is investigated. The values of
enthalpies of vaprization were determined for some adamantane’s derivatives.


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How to Cite
Kudasheva, N. V., Yashkin, S. N., & Svetlov, A. A. (2019). Investigation of thermodynamics’ sorption of adamantane’s derivatives on polymer stationary liquid phases with different polarity by gas-liquid chromatography. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 10(5). Retrieved from