Sorption of toxic organic and inorganic compounds by composite materials with nanodispersed iron oxides in polystyrene matrixes

  • А. В. Пастухов Pastukhov Alexander V. – Dr. Sci., Nesmeyanov - Institute of Organo – Element Compounds Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow,
  • К. И. Лубенцова Lubentsova Kseniya. I. – postgraduate student, Nesmeyanov – Institute of Organo – Element Compounds Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
  • В. А. Даванков Davankov Vadim A. – Dr. Sci., professor, head of the laboratory of Nesmeyanov - Institute of Organo – Element Compounds Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
  • Д. Х. Китаева Kitaeva Dinara Kh. – Ph. D, senior scientific worker of Nesmeyanov – Institute of OrganoElement Compounds Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
  • И. В. Каранди Karandi Irina V. – Ph. D, senior scientific worker of Nesmeyanov – Institute of Organo - Element Compounds Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
  • М. М. Ильин Ilyin Mikhail M. – Ph. D, senior scientific worker of Nesmeyanov – Institute of OrganoElement Compounds Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Keywords: hypercrosslinked polystyrene, anion exchangers, composition sorbents, iron oxides, sorption, phosphates, chromates, lead, cadmium, copper, iron, alumina


Composite materials have been examined, based on commercial hypercrosslinked polystyrene
sorbents and styrene-divinylbenzene anion exchangers impregnated with nanodispersed iron oxides or
hydroxyoxides. Introduction of magnetite provides the polymeric adsorbing materials with magnetic
properties, whereas introduction of hydroxyoxides imparts selectivity with respect to inorganic ions –
phosphates, chromates, cations of lead, cadmium, copper, iron, alumina.


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How to Cite
Пастухов, А. В., Лубенцова, К. И., Даванков, В. А., Китаева, Д. Х., Каранди, И. В., & Ильин, М. М. (2018). Sorption of toxic organic and inorganic compounds by composite materials with nanodispersed iron oxides in polystyrene matrixes. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 15(3), 333-344.