The kinetics of sorption of aliphatic amino acids from aqueous solutions on clinoptilolite

  • Т. А. Крысанова Krysanova Tatiana A. – Ph.D (Chemistry), associate professor, Department of Analytic Chemistry of Voronezh State University, Voronezh, e-mail:
  • Д. Л. Котова Kotova Diana L. – Doctor of chemical science, professor of department of analytical chemistry of Voronezh State University, Voronezh
  • С. Ю. Васильева Vasileva Svetlana U. – the post-graduate student of Department of Analytic Chemistry, Voronezh State University, Voronezh
  • Б. Н. Бекетов Beketov Boris N. – Doctor of medical science, professor of Department of pharmaceutical technology and farmacognosia of Tyumen State Medical University, Tyumen
  • А. И. Воркушин Vorkuchin Alexander I. – Ph.D (Medical), associate professor, Department of ENT diseases - clinical of Tyumen State Medical University, Tyumen
Keywords: amino acids, sorption, kinetics, clinoptilolite


The kinetics of sorption of aliphatic amino acids glycine, valine and α-alanine clinoptilolite is
described on the basis of formal kinetic analysis, allowing to take into account the contribution of diffusion
and chemical stage. Installed two-stage nature of the sorption process. At the initial stage of the process
limits the chemical stage, the next stage is controlled nutrititional transport. The calculated values of the
kinetic parameters of the process. Earlier, the diffusion limit and a lower value of the effective diffusion
coefficient determined for α-alanine


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How to Cite
Крысанова, Т. А., Котова, Д. Л., Васильева, С. Ю., Бекетов, Б. Н., & Воркушин, А. И. (2018). The kinetics of sorption of aliphatic amino acids from aqueous solutions on clinoptilolite. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 15(3), 373-378.