The use of molecular-statistical calculations of thermodynamic characteristics of adsorption of peptides for prediction of their retention properties on carbon sorbent Hypercarb in a variant of RP HPLC

  • А. К. Буряк Buryak Aleksey K. - Doctor of chemical science, Head of laboratory of physical-chemical basis of chromatography and chromate-massspectrometry, A.N.Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
  • А. Л. Милюшкин Milyushkin Aleksey L. - Research engineer, A.N.Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Keywords: peptides, Hypercarb, HPLC, molecular-statistical method


The purpose of this work is to study the influence of physico-chemical properties of peptides on
their adsorption on the porous graphitic carbon Hypercarb. The molecular statistical method of identify
thermodynamic characteristics for prediction of retention properties of the peptides obtained from
experimental data is considered. The molecular statistical calculations of the thermodynamic characteristics
of adsorption of peptides on the surface graphitized thermal carbon black was carried out. Retention
characteristics of peptides on the porous graphitic carbon Hypercarb is determined in a variant of reversedphase
high-performance liquid chromatography. It shown that satisfactory correlation between experimental
and calculated values for peptides with similar structure is observed. It shown that the characteristics of
retention of peptides can be predicted on the basis of their thermodynamic characteristics of adsorption on the
graphitized thermal carbon black calculated by molecular statistical method.


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How to Cite
Буряк, А. К., & Милюшкин, А. Л. (2018). The use of molecular-statistical calculations of thermodynamic characteristics of adsorption of peptides for prediction of their retention properties on carbon sorbent Hypercarb in a variant of RP HPLC. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 15(3), 379-389.