Researches of morphology of a steam surface of semipermeable membranes of ESPA and MGA-95 by a X-ray diffraction method

  • Ю. М. Головин Golovin Yuri M. - Ph.D. in Chemistry, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, chair Physics, TSTU, Tambov
  • С. И. Лазарев Lazarev Sergey I. - Dr.Sci.Tech., the professor Head of the Department TSTU, chair Applied geometry and a computer drawing, Tambov, Email
Keywords: morphology, time, membrane, sorption, specific surface.


The study was reverse-osmosis semi-permeable membrane type MGA - 95 and ESPA . The aim
of this work was to study the morphology of the pore surface of semi-permeable membranes MGA - 95 and
ESPA. As a method of research chosen method of small-angle x-ray scattering. The obtained experimental
curves, rebuilt in double logarithmic coordinates, which indicate the fractal nature of scattering from
electronic inhomogeneities at least three sizes. Determined the numerical values of the radii of the pores. The
morphology of the pore surface with a smaller radius have a smoother surface, and large pores, form a
meandering channels with a jagged surface. The number of pores larger radii - 12.9 nm. for MGA - 95 is
20%, and for radii 16.8 nm. membrane ESPA make up 35.6 %. Defined values of specific surfaces: for
membrane MGA-95 - court=9.15·107
m-1; for membrane ESPA - court=5.95·107
m-1. Investigated the
morphology of the pore surface and the obtained values of the radii of the pores and the specific surfaces,
allow the calculation of the coefficient of permeability and the specific flow of the solvent to permeate the
processes of reverse osmosis purification and concentration of industrial solutions and effluents.


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How to Cite
Головин, Ю. М., & Лазарев, С. И. (2018). Researches of morphology of a steam surface of semipermeable membranes of ESPA and MGA-95 by a X-ray diffraction method. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 15(3), 429-434.