Theoretical explanation of the concept of rural life strategies

  • Irina Nikolaevna Merenkova Research Institution of Economy and Management of Agro-Industrial Complex of the Central Chernozem Region of the Russian Federation of Rosselkhozakademiya
  • Vladimir Nikolaevich Pertsev Administration of Rakitsky district of Belgorod region
Keywords: strategy, conceptual provisions, life support, rural territories, rural population


Article is devoted to justification and development of conceptual provisions of strategy of life support of the rural population, directed on achievement of effective development of rural community at the expense of formation of points of growth according to features and capacity of rural territories.


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Author Biographies

Irina Nikolaevna Merenkova, Research Institution of Economy and Management of Agro-Industrial Complex of the Central Chernozem Region of the Russian Federation of Rosselkhozakademiya

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof., Head of the Department of Management of the agro-industrial complex and rural areas

Vladimir Nikolaevich Pertsev, Administration of Rakitsky district of Belgorod region

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Post-graduate, Department of AIC and Rural Territories Management

How to Cite
Merenkova, I. N., & Pertsev, V. N. (2013). Theoretical explanation of the concept of rural life strategies. Proceedings of Voronezh State University. Series: Economics and Management, (2), 108-113. Retrieved from