Phase diagrams of zirconium dioxide systems with yttrium and scandium oxides
The literature data on the study of phase equilibria in systems zirconia with yttria and scandia are analysed. Possible schemes of low-temperature phase equilibria in ZrO2-Y2O3 and ZrO2-Sc2O3 systems are presented taking into account the third law of thermodynamics.
The coordinates of non-variant transformations in these systems are tabulated. A sign of non-equilibrium states is the observation of non-diffusion processes of ordering of solid solutions. The modified cryoscopy method is used to calculate the distribution coefficients of scandia and yttria during the crystallization of the ZrO2 melt.
The possibilities for the existence of a set of ordered phases in the ZrO2-Y2O3 system and diffuse phase transition in the cubic modification of zirconia are discussed.
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