Creation of thin films on the surface of InP with a controlled gas-sensitive signal under the influence of PbO + Y2O3 compositions
Thin-film objects with a reproducible temperature dependence of the resistance, thermally stable, and easy to obtain can be used as the sensitive elements in semiconductor gas sensors. The aim of this study was to create thin films on the InP surface under the influence of an oxide chemostimulator + inert component (PbO + Y2O3, respectively) compositions and to determine their gas-sensitive properties and their dependence on the formula of the composition.
Thin films were synthesised on the InP surface by the method of chemically stimulated thermal oxidation under the influence of various PbO + Y2O3 compositions. The thickness of the formed films, their elemental and chemical composition were determined (by laser ellipsometry, X-ray phase analysis, and infra-red spectroscopy). A number of experiments were carried out to establish the gas-sensitive properties of the obtained films with respect to ammonia with concentrations of 120, 100, and 80 ppm.
By chemically stimulated thermal oxidation, we obtained thin films with semiconductor properties on the InP surface. It was determined that the samples had n-type conductivity. A gas-sensitive response was detected in the presence of ammonia in the atmosphere. The ability to create thin films with a predetermined value of sensory response was demonstrated
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