Complexation processes in “PbCl2-N2H4CS” aqueous solutions during deposition of lead sulphide films
In this study, we proposed a new approach to assessing the processes of complexation in aqueous solutions using the example of the interaction of lead chloride with thiourea. The goal of this study was the investigation of processes of complexation in “PbCl2-N2H4CS” aqueous solutions and determination of the regions of dominance of thiourea coordination compounds, which are precursors during the deposition of lead sulphide films.
Based on the diagrams and cross section lines of equal fractions constructed in three-dimensional space, the regions of dominance of all complex forms existing in the studied solution were found. Such a graphic image is the most informative, since it allows selection of the concentration ranges of the predominance of certain coordination compounds, especially thiourea complexes, which are precursors during the deposition of lead sulphide films. It was shown that an increase in the concentration of N2H4CS led to an increase in the total fraction of thiourea complexes: for a twofold excess of N2H4CS its fraction was 0.25, for a threefold excess it was 0.35, for a fourfold excess it was 0.5, for a fivefold excess it was 0.7.
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