Deposition of lead sulfide films from “Pb(СH3COO)2 – N2H4CS” aqueous solutions and their properties
The article presents the results of the study of lead sulfide films obtained by the aerosol pyrolysis of solutions of complex compounds of lead acetate and thiourea at temperatures of 300 and 400 °С. The concentration areas of existence of lead (II) hydroxo complexes were determined. We determined the domination regions of [Pb(N2H4CS)4]2+ complexes, which are precursors during the deposition of lead sulfide films.
The crystal structure, phase composition, and surface morphology of the synthesized films were studied by X-ray phase analysis and atomic force microscopy. It was found that under these deposition conditions, the crystallized PbS films have a cubic structure and are textured in the (200) crystallographic direction. When the concentration of thiourea in the initial solution increases, there is an increase in the values of the average and root-mean-square roughness, as well as the relief height difference of the synthesized samples.
PbS films obtained at a temperature of 400 °C are characterized by a denser packing of grains and a perfect surface microstructure. By optical spectrophotometry, we determined the band gap of synthesized PbS, which is from 0.41 to 0.45eV for direct allowed transitions.
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