Hydrothermal assisted conventional sol-gel method for synthesis of bioactive glass 70S30Cы
Bioactive glasses (Bioglasses) are widely synthesized by the conventional sol-gel method consisting of two main steps for sol and gel formation. However, the conversion from sol to gel requires a long time (5–7 days). In this study, the hydrothermal system was used to quickly synthesize the bioactive glass by reducing the conversion time from sol to gel. The hydrothermal assisted conventional sol-gel method was applied for synthesis of the bioactive glass 70SiO2–30CaO (mol%) (noted as 70S30C). The synthetic glass was investigated by the physical-chemical techniques. The ‘‘in vitro’’ experiments in SBF (Simulated Body Fluid) solution was also performed to evaluate the bioactivity of synthetic material. The obtained results show that the bioactive glass 70S30C was successfully elaborated by using the hydrothermal assisted conventional sol-gel
method. The consuming time was reduced compared to the conventional method. The physical-chemical characterization confirmed that the synthetic glass is amorphous material with mesoporous structure consisting of interconnected particles.
The specific surface area, pore volume and average pore diameter of synthetic glass were 142.8 m2/g, 0.52 cm3/g, and 19.1 nm, respectively. Furthermore, synthetic bioactive glass exhibited interesting bioactivity when immersed in simulated body fluid (SBF) solution for 1 days and good biocompatibility when cultured in cellular media.
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