• E. V. Tominа Dr. Sci. (Chem.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Materials Science and Industry of Nanosystems, Voronezh State University; tel.: +7(473) 2208356, e-mail:
  • I. Ya. Mittova Dr. Sci. (Chem.), Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Materials Science and Industry of Nanosystems, Voronezh State University; tel.: +7(473) 2208356, e-mail:
  • B. V. Sladkopevtsev Cand. Sci. (Chem.), Associate Professor of the Department of Materials Science and Industry of Nanosystems, Voronezh State University; tel.: +7(905) 6505334, e-mail:
  • V. F. Kostryukov Dr. Sci. (Chem.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Materials Science and Industry of Nanosystems, Voronezh State University; tel.: +7(473) 2208356, e-mail:
  • A. A. Samsonov Cand. Sci. (Chem.), Lead Engineer of the Department of Materials Science and Industry of Nanosystems, Voronezh State University; tel.: +7(903) 6536485, e-mail:
  • N. N. Tretyakov graduate of the Department of Materials Science and Industry of Nanosystems, Voronezh State University; tel.: +7(952) 5519531, e-mail:
Keywords: indium phosphide, gallium arsenide, thermal oxidation, chemostimulator, nanosized films


The use of oxides as chemostimulators of AIIIBV thermal oxidation alters the mechanism of the process of thermal oxidation of semiconductors from its own to that of transit or catalytic. The mechanism of the process is determined by the chemical nature of the oxide-chemostimulator and the way it is introduced into the system (from the gas phase or deposition on the semiconductor surface).

The oxides of p-metal (PbO, Sb2O3, Bi2O3), having predominantly one stable oxidation state, realize a transit mechanism of semiconductors oxidation, regardless of the way they are introduced into the system. The oxides of d-metals (MnO2, V2O5, CrO3) introduced through the gas phase act on the processes of thermal oxidation of GaAs and InP as the chemostimulator-transitors. The effect of nanosized NiO and Co3O4 layers in the processes of InP and GaAs thermal oxidation develops as a transit type, which is confirmed by EEA values, which are of the same order of magnitude as the EEA of own oxidation of semiconductors, the consumption of oxide-chemostimulators with the passing of the process in time, a significant decrease in the relative increase in film thickness during the advanced stage of the process.

For nanosized layers of vanadium oxide (V) the mechanism of their effect on the process of oxidation of AIIIBV is determined to a large extent by the deposition method (within the framework of one way). Thermal oxidation of AIIIBV under the influence of vanadium pentoxide layers deposited by soft methods implements the transit mechanism of the process, this is indicated by the expenditure of V2O5 in films during thermal oxidation without subsequent regeneration. The catalytic nature of the effect of the magnetron-deposited (hard method) layers of V2O5 in the oxidation processes of InP and GaAs is confirmed by a sharp decrease in EEA in comparison with the own oxidation of semiconductors and the independence of its value from the thickness of the deposited V2O5 layer, the cyclic regeneration of vanadium V5+ « V4+, and the dynamics of the change in the relative increase in film thicknesses. In this case, the processes of phosphate and arsenate formation take place at low temperatures (450-480 °C), an effective kinetic and chemical blocking of the diffusion of unoxidized indium into a film occurs, and segregation of arsenic at the inner interface prevented. All of the above leads to a significant improvement in the electrophysical parameters of the films.



The research results were obtained using the equipment of the Center for Collective Use of Equipment Voronezh State University. URL:

The reported study was supported by a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No. 16-43-360595 р_а)


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How to Cite
TominаE. V., Mittova, I. Y., Sladkopevtsev, B. V., Kostryukov, V. F., Samsonov, A. A., & Tretyakov, N. N. (2018). THERMAL OXIDATION AS A METHOD OF FORMATION OF NANOSCALE FUNCTIONAL FILMS ON AIIIBV SEMICONDUCTORS: CHEMOSTIMULATED INFLUENCE OF METAL OXIDES OVERVIEW. Kondensirovannye Sredy I Mezhfaznye Granitsy = Condensed Matter and Interphases, 20(2), 184-203.